Fuji Yuzu ponzu

Fuji Yuzu ponzu
The aroma from an ample amount of juice, blended together with a rich bouillon
The aroma from an ample amount of juice, blended together with a rich bouillon
The fresh aroma of this vinegar comes from the juice of fully ripened yuzu and kabosu (two types of Japanese citrus fruits). The brewers start by making soup stock from kelp and dried bonito flakes. They then blend this stock with other natural ingredients. When you open the package, that unmistakable citrus aroma fills the air and you can tell how much juice is contained in the bottle.
The yuzu juice comes from Tokushima, the kabosu juice is from Oita. Rishiri kelp comes from Hokkaido. Dried bonito flakes and raw sugar from Kagoshima are also used. To these, we add soy sauce made from 100% domestic soybeans and "Pure rice vinegar Fujisu" from Iio Jozo. Fuji Yuzu ponzu is made carefully with the finest ingredients selected in Japan.
How to enjoy Fuji Yuzu ponzu
How to enjoy Fuji Yuzu ponzu
-Add to chilled tofu, boiled vegetables, gyoza (dumplings), lightly roasted bonito, salads, etc. It makes a delicious, less salty alternative to soy sauce.
-The sauce is also a key ingredient in hot pots and boiled tofu dishes. Use Fuji Yuzu ponzu to bring out the best flavor.
-Sizzle it over grilled fish or meat for a great flavor.
-Yuzuponzu also adds some extra zest to a healthy, hot, vegetable salad. Pour it over quickly boiled vegetables or meat for a refreshing taste!
Dark soy sauce (Hyogo Prefecture), yuzu juice (Tokushima Prefecture), kabosu juice (Oita Prefecture), rice vinegar (Kyoto Prefecture), sugar (raw sugar, Kagoshima Prefecture), dried bonito flakes (Kagoshima Prefecture), kelp (Hokkaido), (soybeans and wheat are partially contained)
Use within 8 months from date of manufacture (Store at room temperature out of direct sunlight. Refrigerate after opening. The cloudiness on the surface comes from the high concentration of juice used. Shake the bottle well before use.)